
Home : Key Stage Two : Computing : Viking Longships

Lesson Two – Line Shapes

This computing teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise and record different ways of drawing curved and straight lines as part of a graphic design. The children can suggest how to change the lines used in a specific design representing Viking culture and traditions.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to teach the children to practise and record different ways of drawing curved and straight lines as part of a graphic design

Learning Objectives

How to prepare information for development using technology. How to develop and refine ideas by manipulating images.

Learning Outcomes

I can use tools in a graphics program to draw and adjust lines. I can say how to use images to represent a design on a particular topic.

Line Shapes

Teaching sequence to help the children practise and record different ways of drawing curved and straight lines as part of a graphic design

Viking Designs

Display posters for whole class discussion to help identify and describe some of the different shapes and lines used in a graphic

What Lines

Activity to help the children practise inserting and adjusting a range of different lines in a graphics software program

Line Shapes

Interactive activity to help the children practise and record different ways of drawing curved and straight lines as part of a graphic design

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to teach the children to practise and record different ways of drawing curved and straight lines as part of a graphic design

  • Subtraction Sports
    Solve a range of number problems about different sports by subtracting pairs of three and four digit numbers
  • Garden Insects
    Practise multiplying two digit numbers by two, four and eight to calculate numbers of insects living in a garden
  • Athletics
    Develop and refine different athletic skills in running, throwing and jumping to use when performing and competing in a class athletics competition
  • Class Games
    Compete in sprinting, throwing and jumping events to develop skills and techniques in athletics