
Home : Key Stage One

History Teaching Resources

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in history in Key Stage One covering different aspects of life in the past including the lives of significant figures who had a major impact on life in Britain and the development of a range of technology

Schemes of Work

Lesson planning to develop and refine historical skills when exploring aspects of life in the past


Use the correct vocabulary to sequence artefacts and events from different time periods


Explore and record some of the different ways that castles were constructed, inhabited and defended in the past


Investigate and illustrate how family life in different communities have changed over time

Significant Lives

Research the lives of people who had a significant impact on the history of Britain and the world

  • Family Times
    Identify, calculate and record the start and finish times and durations of different family events and experiences using analogue and digital clocks
  • Running Times
    alculate the duration of different sporting events by counting in intervals of five minutes
  • Family Timetables
    Select and record start and finish times and durations of different family events and experiences
  • Bus Times
    Calculate and record the duration of different bus journeys using times to five minutes