
Home : Key Stage Two : Computing

Recycling Bin

This computing teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to select, format and adjust the properties of different shapes when creating the graphic design for a recycling bin for use in school classrooms. The class can combine and layer shapes to produce a graphical model matching selected success criteria.

Select, format and adjust the properties of different shapes when creating the graphic design for a recycling bin for use in school classrooms

Lesson One : Changing Shapes

Explore and demonstrate different ways of adjusting geometric shapes in a graphical modelling program

Lesson Two : Graphic Lines

Practise different ways of drawing curved and straight lines to represent shapes using a graphic modelling program

Lesson Three : Shape Layers

Explore and illustrate ways of layering and ordering different shapes in a graphic design

Lesson Four : Bin Design

Select and use a range of different shapes to create the graphic design for a school recycling bin

Lesson Five : Bin Review

Review and edit the completed graphic design of a recycling bin for classrooms in the school

Lesson Six : Class Bin

Compose and publish a presentation to explain reasons for the design of a recycling bin for classrooms in the school

  • Number Rounding
    Practise comparing and rounding numbers to six digits to their nearest ten, hundred and thousand by utilising the place value of their digits
  • Number Lines
    Identify how to complete different number sequences counting in powers of ten
  • Number Changes
    Select and round a range of different six digit numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand
  • Rounding Thousands
    Compare a selection of different six digit numbers by rounding them to the nearest thousand using the values of their numerical digits