
Discover lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in computing for Key Stage Two to teach about coding programs and applications for a range of specific functions

  • Light Functions

    Light Functions

    Write and test procedures to control a set of lights to match a specific function

  • Disco Lights

    Disco Lights

    Practise writing sequences of commands to control a set of lights that can be displayed during a disco party

  • Light Buoys

    Light Buoys

    Select and write a sequence of procedures to control a set of navigation lights for ships and boats to use

  • Traffic Lights

    Traffic Lights

    Practise writing and testing a procedure to run an application using lights to control traffic

  • Output Commands

    Output Commands

    Practise selecting and entering a range of commands to control different outputs using a control box

  • Inputs and Outputs

    Inputs and Outputs

    Explore and record how to use inputs and outputs to produce different effects and functions whencontrolling lights

  • Summer Picnic
    Calculate numbers of picnic items by dividing two and three digit by one digit numbers with remainders
  • Woodland
    Select and use times tables facts to divide numbers of woodland materials into equal groups
  • Roman Army
    Read and write a set of instructions about how to prepare the Roman army for battle
  • Household Appliances
    Read and write explanations to explain how and why different household appliances work and function