
Home : Key Stage One : English : Year One Planning : Term One

Unit D – Family Problems

This English scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to plan and write a story about how families might experience and fix problems in their homes based on books by a significant children’s author, practise spelling words that end in y and sequence sentences to write short narratives.

Plan and write a story about how families might experience and fix problems in their homes, practise spelling words that end in y and sequence sentences to write short narratives

Lesson One : Word Guess

Play some games to identify and spell different words that end in the letter y

Lesson Two : Family Scenes

Suggest and record events that might come before and after different scenes in a story about a family

Lesson Three : Story Planning

Plan and record the narrative to show the sequence of different events that might happen in a story about a family

Lesson Four : Story Writing

Compose the narrative for a story to show how someone might fix a problem that could occur in their family

Lesson Five : Story Book

Check and correct sentences that can be complied into a story book about what could happen in a family

  • Animal Groups
    Practise searching for information about different animals in a database using selected criteria
  • Sorting Animals
    Practise sorting sets of different animals into groups using a range of matching criteria
  • Animal Search
    Use an online database to search for information about animals to answer different key questions
  • Card Database
    Explore how to use a manual method of recording information about different animals in the world