
Home : Key Stage One : English : Year One Planning

English Year One Planning Term Three

Discover some schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English in Year One for Key Stage One covering a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry topics and themes

Unit A : Wild Things

Explore narrative settings and predict events in a story set in a fantasy world, investigate the spellings of different words with tch endings and practise joining pairs of sentences using the conjunction and

Unit B : Space Flight

Change and adapt a story about a journey in a fantasy world, explore words that contain the /k/ sound for the letters c and k, and practise using the conjunction and to join sentences with the correct punctuation

Unit C : Weather Postcards

Read and write recounts to use on postcards reporting the weather experienced on different family holidays, practise adding the suffix ed to word roots to indicate the past tense in sentences and investigate punctuation that can be used for statements and questions

  • Family Times
    Identify, calculate and record the start and finish times and durations of different family events and experiences using analogue and digital clocks
  • Running Times
    alculate the duration of different sporting events by counting in intervals of five minutes
  • Family Timetables
    Select and record start and finish times and durations of different family events and experiences
  • Bus Times
    Calculate and record the duration of different bus journeys using times to five minutes